Course Presentation

H5P Mobile Loading Error

HI there, 

I have a client who can't view there H5P activities on the mobile app when they load their own templates. 


This does work on IOS, but doesn't work on android. 


This is the error message I receive:

Template has some errors and cannot be displayed"

Could you advise what may be the issue?


Kind Regards,




Error inserting images in Course Presentation

Every time I try to insert an image on a slide in a Course Presentation in WordPress, I get an error message.  I've tried jpg, png and gif formats.  Every time I try, it starts to upload, gets to about 10%, and then shows the message, "File type isn't allowed."  The images are PowerPoint slides that were converted into individual images so I can preserve the layout. Any ideas why I can't insert an image?

Thank you,


Course Presentation Bug

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug (exactly how and when did it happen):  It was a video upload but the user can't remember whether it crashed by itself during an upload or when the user pressed save and display. Platform:  Moodle  Moodle version:   Moodle 3.8.2+ (Build: 20200424) Mobile or Desktop:  Error shows on desktop and mobile Browser:  All - not browser specific H5P plugin version:  1.22.3 (
