Course Presentation

Reinstall H5P plugin without losing the content

I've recently got a lot of problems after updating the h5p plugin and their libraries. I am using H5P 1.15.3 running on Wordpress 5.7.2

One of them is: the Course Presentation Editor doesn't work at all.  I am getting this code [field:group:coursepresentation:presentation] instead of editable presentation. The browser console  (Chrome, Firefox) shows me a bunch of error messages like " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined..."

I would try to reinstall the plugin. how can I prevent losing the created content? 

simple animation moving, rotating and resizing objects.

HTML5 is capable of moving objects, animating them.

it would be great if we could do this in H5P particularly in the course presentation,

Instead of making a video, we can do the simple animation that is available in powerpoint.

  • moving,
  • rotating.
  • changing tranparency
  • resizing

of objects such as shapes, text or images.

for instance if you had nine images you could remake the Brady Bunch style TV intro (without the music) having the nine objects reduce in size and move to their corner of the 9 box grid.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

How do I use the 'Link to anchor in text'.


In using the course presentation tool there is an option to add a hyperlink which links to an 'anchor' within the text. I understand how to add Anchors in HTML - however there doesn’t seem to be an option to add any. 

Unlike this forum, where if you click the 'anchor' button' you can add an anchor; in the course presentation clicking the anchor button brings up the option to link to another page with in the course presentation or URL. 

What is the steps to add an anchor so that the 'Link to anchor' option works? 

