Course Presentation

Interactive video and Course Presentation not loading in editor

We are running H5P on a Wordpress install.

When selecting 'Course Presentation' or 'Interactive Video' as H5P types we just get the spinning symbol and 'Loading, please wait...'.

All other types appear to be fine.

I have updated these and all other types just in case. 

The Wordpress version is 5.7.2

H5P plugin version is 1.15.3

We haven't made any changes to our server environment.


Following error in Browser:

"unabletocopy" Problem

I have various H5P activities on my website, and generally love creating them. However recently one of the Course Presntations stopped working. When viewing the page on the website it appears to be blank. On trying to edit the H5P content, when I click update I get the error message "unabletocopy". If I try to create new material I get the same error. Any help greatly appreciated, especially as a big conference is wanting to access this material on Monday! 

Course Presentation and Interactive Book

Course Presentation - not working activity menu.

Interactive Book - not working activity menu.

Platform and version number. Moodle 3.6 after upgrade to Moodle 3.10 the problem is the same.

Mobile and Desktop

Browser: all

H5P plugin version 1.22.2

H5P content type and version: Course Presentation, Interactive Book

Any browser console errors:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined

    at h5p-editor-range-list.js?ver=1.0.11:474

    at h5p-editor-range-list.js?ver=1.0.11:478
