Course Presentation

French Geography 3 in 1 / exemple de leçon-révision-test en français



I'm a middle-school teacher who discovered H5P during the French national lockdown. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this great educational tool that is H5P.

I'd like to give back to the community by sharing a simple yet efficient Course Presentation about French oversea territories. It features Dialog Cards to rehearse the informative slides, a Drag'n'Drop map to assess the subject, and it's all good regarding copyright.

I hope someone finds it inspirational, thanks again for H5P.

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Course Presentation editor does not appear


Course presentation editor does not appear, displays text instead '[field:group:coursepresentation:presentation]' (see attached screenshot)

Other content types appear fine, everything else in moodle works as expected.

Course presentation works in 2 other similar moodle installations I manage.

Uploading H5P course presentation file into Moodle H5P

ACERlearning's picture

I have a number of existing Course Presentations created on the platform. I have downloaded these and tried unsccessfully to upload them into a new H5p within the Moodle platform.  I am able to upload and view the file, but when I try to save I am asked to select a content type. If I select Course Presentation, I am presented with a blank course presentation, and lose the uploaded file. 

I am able to successully upload interactive video and drag and drop files, but not course presentations. Is this a known bug? Any workarounds?


