Drag and Drop

drag and drop drop zone color

sdspasova's picture

It would be helpful if you could choose a color for the drop zones in drag and drop. Sometimes the gray is too close to the background color and they don't stand out enough.

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multiple draggables for 1 drag zone

BV52's picture

I created a drag/drop in which one drag zone had multiple draggables. When I completed the activity, even though all answers were correct, it didnt give me full credit for completing the activity. Showed 0 out of 1 or 10 out of 12 even though ALL drag zones were correct. Is there a possible solution to this or an enhancement request on file?

Could not get posted H5P & OK (200). Problem uploading content in Moodle

Hi, i'm trying to load several resources in Moodle, but it gives me this errors:

Error 1:

Could not get posted H5P.


Error 2:

OK (200)

Unable to interpret response.


Please check your error log.


I've checked the resources and all look fine. I send attached one of the resources.

Please help. 



