Drag and Drop

Images already in correct Hotspot zones do not register as correct

Using the Drag and drop function, images that are already in their correct Hotspot zones do not register as correct without the user moving the object image a little bit. The user has 4 objects and needs to decide which two move and then move them to their proper location. If they move the correct two objects and leave the remaining two in their correct location the system will not verify the correct location on the two that do not move.




Custom Widget followField



I implemented a custom widget to replace the core-image-widget by another image chooser which is able to use drupals Entity Embed Browser (which is pretty cool).

I Implemented this widget as a custom H5PEditor library. Now I want to use the widget in the Library DragQuestion, which I forked for that purpose. In H5PEditor.DragQuestion.js theres the Code block

H5PEditor.followField(parent, 'settings/background', function (params) {

for watching for changes.
