Drag and Drop

Text to be replaced by drag and drop

Our company is building H5P packages intended to train learners on how to improve their English skills. One of the content types they'd like us to build is one where the learner sees a series of sentences with some areas of the text surrounded by drag-and-drop targets and a set of replacement phrases to choose from. The idea is that they replace some language in the text block (Hey, how ya doin'!) with more appropriate language for the situation (Good morning, sir!). Right now we have the ability to define the draggable text by surrounding the phrase with asterisks.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Border Appearing on elements in drag and drop

I am creating a drag and drop activity where students are supposed to drag a colored blue rectangle to complete coloring a given fraction strip. I made sure that the blue rectangle and the drop zones have the same size (screenshot 1). However, whenever I select the drop zones for my element, a transparent border is appearing around my element which is changing the size of the element (the blue rectangle). This border is creating issue whenever dropping the element in its drop zone, check attached screenshot 2.
