Drag and Drop

Drag N Drop Change request - This drop zone can only contain one element

Hi i have been directed here from the kind folks on github.  I hope this is the correct place, if not apologies in advance....

My request that the current setting "This drop zone can only contain one element" can be modified to accept a user inputted value - so in my example, a maximum 3 elements per drop zone (currently I can either only place 1 droppable in DROP ZONE 1 or all 12 on any drop zone, depending on whether I check this checkbox. e.g:

--- DROP ZONE 1 ---

--- DROP ZONE 2 ---

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Help with Getting the API Score for Drag and Drop

Hi. I am trying to get the score from my Drag and Drop to interact with some javascript function.

I followed one of the previous posts and added the following code to my (wordpress) theme's functions.php file.


function h5pmods_alter_scripts(&$scripts, $libraries, $embed_type) {

  if (isset($libraries['H5P.DragQuestion'])) {

    $scripts[] = (object) array(

      // Path can be relative to wp-content/uploads/h5p or absolute.

      'path' => 'score-tracking.js',
