Drag the Words

Language Card(s)

I am wondering if a new content type could be created by adapting the features of existing content types, 'dialog cards' and 'match the words'

I work with a First Nations school in Canada, where the Nation's language, Hul'q'umín'um' is taught.  Many First Nations schools in Canada teach their Nations language. 

While teaching, an effort is made to only use the Hul'q'umín'um' language.

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Previous state without plugin


Hello H5P community,

I'm using https://github.com/h5p/h5p-drag-text/ content types, I'm trying to extend this library to handle a previous state without using Drupal or WordPress plugin. I want to retrieve data from Local Storage (actually) and pass it as a previous state to my content Drag the text. Is this something possible with xAPI or anything else ? Didn't find any informations about it ... thanks for helping.

