libro interactivo
¿Como puedo incluir una actividad de Hotspots de imagen en un libro inteactivo , tal y como aparece en ele ejemplo de la wep?
¿Como puedo incluir una actividad de Hotspots de imagen en un libro inteactivo , tal y como aparece en ele ejemplo de la wep?
I've found an issue where a user who enters fullscreen to view image hotspots is unable to exit fullscreen even after hitting Esc, and the lack of a "close" button makes this doubly troubling. This works fine when viewed in a standard web browser but fails when the page is viewed from within an application (e.g., Teams).
For example, when an H5P Image Hotspot is expanded to fullscreen from a channel tab in MS Teams, it fails to expand but instead glitchs and locks the screen with no close option.
Thanks to all your efforts to make this plugins awsome
Is it possible to customize hotspot icon to make it smaller or transparent or totally transparent because it became so noisy and covers the background image
this is the example
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