Interactive Video

Interactive Video: "Prevent skipping forward" and Dumb but 100% correct answering

I would like to report two problems in Interactive Video.

1) Behavioural settings > Prevent skipping forward in a video

One of our Polish "creative" students has found a very easy workaround.
Given that for example Google Chrome web browser has "Inspect" in context menu, just right-click on H5P video and select that "Inspect" option.
In DevTools select "Console" and type following JavaScript that results in "virtual skip forward" of video:

Customize js file which made on after create hp5 interactive video


Hello I just do some customization in the js file in cached folder on uploads folder but when i create a new h5p video the new js file create which causes not running my code. Can I have a solution which will run in all js files which will be creating by create h5p interactive video thanks and the file name lokks like this "e32fdebff0181286a47ce8aaa4cc143f177a5608.js"

Thumbnail not showing on interactive video

Dear H5P forum

When I make an interactive video I have the option to add a thumbnail but the picture  does not load with the player. 

As you are able to see I have added a thumbnail acordingly on thumbnail 1.png but when the player loads it looks like thumbnail 2.png. 

The video in question is a panopto hosted one, which in it self has a thumbnail, also not showing.  
