Interactive Video: Video format not supported on Iphone device
A student gets the message: Video format not supported on Interactive videos:
A student gets the message: Video format not supported on Interactive videos:
in a WordPress site it is possible to insert with the H5P plugin a video preview of a few seconds that at the end shows a form to fill in and receive via email the link to view the full video.
Can the video preview be hosted on YouTube? Do you need the service? Are there similar examples that can help me understand how to build this interactive content? (I have no experience with H5P).
Folks, testing with moodle (3.11.x) along with the current h5p plugin (not hvp). Just as a test I uploaded the interactive video sample (smoothie).
After a student user interacts with the sample interactive video and submits scores I see "View all attempts (0 submitted)" for that content. As the user I did go as far as to submit responses. Is there a setting or issue that may make tracking seem less consistent? I don't see errors in the httpd logs.
Looking at the h5p logs, I see the user viewing content is logged, just not the user interactions.
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