Interactive Video

Moodle: interactive video within interactive book

Minor bug - In Moodle we've observed when creating an interactive video within an interactive book, that when editing text elements on top of the video they can't be scaled to lie along the exact right and bottom of the video, so a small amount of video peeks out.

Unfortunately I'm not able to share a screenshot due to our agreements on this.

this occurs in both the h5p maintained interactive content tool (version 2021061100) and the Moodle maintained h5p tool 2021051700

Could an I-Video Content Type, ever play on a phone without a browser?

Could an Interactive Video Content Type ever play on an iphone without a browser? If someone sends you a video via your text messaging app, the video plays nicely on your phone. But if you have to open a web browser on your phone, and play a video within the browser window, that doesn't work so well for some on their phone. How could I send an H5P interactive video to someone in a texting program, and have their interactions sent to a Learning Record Store (LRS) and have no browser involved? Is this possible? I don't think it is.

Adding Dynamic Text to Interactive Video

I have tried looking through the XAPI guide and this forum, so apologies if I missed the answer to this question already.

I have created interactive videos with button that work really well, but I would like to also add some text to the video at a certain point - for example "Hello Tony, thanks for completing the tutorial" and be able to replace Tony with either a passed variable, or dynamic field that I can send via the API.

Is this feature available?
