
Resize event for H5P iframes sometimes being skipped

Hello :)

I'm new to H5P and not very fluent with code/CSS so I was hoping someone could give me some advice.

I have an issue when loading a Moodle page containing H5P the resize event is sometimes skipped resutling the H5P element being too small and getting a scrollbar.

I can (somewhat) regularly get this to happen by loading the page, skipping to a new tab while it loads, then returning once it's finished loading.

I've attached two images (both of the same page) where in one, the resize event has run successully and in the other it hasn't.

Access to ADD function in moodle content bank




To prepared some courses on my PC in order to place it on a server after, I installed moodle on my PC with the « moodle for window » version delivered on the moodle site (it is using version 3.9.)

I resolved the classical problem of 80 port used by window services and installed also the last version of the plugin of H5P.

So I can use moodle, import and create article. it is well running. But...

