
A required parameter (contentId) was missing


When trying to add a video on H5P installed on Moodle, I get the following feedback:

A required parameter (contentId) was missing

My the php.ini is:

max_execution_time = 60000

max_input_time = 60000

max_input_vars = 60000

memory_limit = 1000M

post_max_size = 1000M

upload_max_filesize = 1000M

What can it be?

Unable to see Grade Review in Moodle of H5P


Hi all,

I am using Moodle with H5P Interactive content like Atrimetical Quiz, Course presention and Interactive Videos too (almost all).

But facing issues unable to see Grade review after users attempts atrimetical quizs and others too.

Please help to understand if any configuratio which I missed.

Only Interactive videos review I can see in grades section. 
