
Title Updated Link to edit content
TEst for hotspot 2020/10/27 – 07:42
Hotspot in course presentation 2020/02/13 – 15:01
Drag the words resize 2020/02/13 – 15:01
Exportable text area doc won't open in Word for mobile 2020/02/13 – 18:08
Personal Attributes and Personality 2020/02/10 – 11:25
Showing Julia 2020/01/23 – 09:58
Assignment 2 FAQ 2020/01/22 – 09:08
Test 2020/01/15 – 11:10
Comma rules 2020/01/15 – 10:45
What is Poetry Quotes 2019/08/19 – 08:59
Metaphor 2019/08/21 – 04:26
Assignment 2 FAQ 2019/07/30 – 11:56
Assignment 1 FAQ 2019/06/20 – 04:48
Sonnet and Terza Rima Matching Activity 2019/07/18 – 05:25
Poetic Shapes 2019/07/18 – 04:44
In-text vs Reference List 2016/05/19 – 18:31
Why Reference 2016/05/19 – 17:28
Referencing example 2016/05/19 – 17:22
Step 5 - 7 Scripting for Instructional Video TNE and Arts Only 2017/04/18 – 01:33
Interactive Video Test 2016/04/28 – 18:14