falcon's blog

Moodle, WCAG 2.0 AA, LTI and H5P

I'm very excited to see H5P take its first steps in the Moodle platform. Mediamaisteri in Finland has contributed a lot to make this a reality and I hope the H5P Community will be able to continue this move and quickly get the last pieces in place as well. It will be expecially great to see the H5P authoring tool being integrated in Moodle.

Interactive Movement - Content Contribution

The winner of the Global Interactive Movement competition is Discover Turkey with video - Submitted by community memeber Ibrahim Ercan.

The jury's comments are: A smart way of enriching an Image Hotspot with content, it looks nice, and it's informative. Ibrahim Ercan will receive an Amazon gift certificate of US$ 200 for his contribution. 
