falcon's blog

The State of H5P

H5P has been around for about a year now. At the beginning of 2014 we had around 10 visitors on H5P.org every weekday. Now the number has grown to 200 – 250 visitors per day. H5P has been downloaded 792 times for Wordpress and 2150 times for Drupal.

H5P has gone from being an idea and a concept to becoming something that matters to hundreds of individuals and organizations. We are having calls and meetings with organizations around the world that are building their own products using H5P or delivering H5P products to their consultancy customers.

wpmudev about H5P

wpmudev wrote a great blog post about H5P last week. The post starts out like this: "H5P is not your average WordPress content plugin: it is a genuinely innovative way to create, embed and share rich HTML5 content via your WordPress site."
