Slide Views


I am looking to use Course Presentation instead of SCORM. We require our students to visit all slides. In SCORM students cannot move on until all slides have been viewed. If they try and cheat and only view one slide the course is not completed. Is it possible for  Course Presentation to have a setting to do the same thing?

Our students are adults and they tend to try and outsmart the system in online courses and skip the theory to go straight to the quiz.

Thanks in anticipation of your answer.


Slide restriction until all slides are viewed
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Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
otacke's picture

If they can solve the quiz without looking at the slides, why bother the students? If they can't solve the quiz without looking at the slides and fail because they tried, why take responsibility?



To be able to run online courses we have to follow governemt guidelines. The government guidelines require us to keep record of how long students spend on the course. If they can skip slides it creates major problems when the government agencies check all our online statistics.

We train students for government licences.


otacke's picture

Hi Anthony!

I guess those governmental regulations in your country make as much sense for learning scenarios as some other regulations here in Germany ;-)

tomaj's picture

Hi Anthony,

I understand what you mean. There are some plans to Course Presentation that might help with what you're asking for, but it's not something that is planned very soon.

- Tom