Timeline dates on same line

I have several dates at the beginning of my timeline that are close to each other.
Instead of lining these dates underneath each other the h5p timeline plugin puts them on the same line, so that only the first is visible. The user then has to expand the timeline to see all the dates.

How can I make sure that dates are underneath each other instead of on top/on the same line?


BV52's picture

Hi crjensen,

I've been trying to reproduce the issue that you mentioned above but I am unable to do so. Can you please provide a link to your content or attach the H5P in this thread.


Thanks BV52,
Here's the timeline: http://kirkeuglen.net/?page_id=56
Notice the first date, "Det første drab".
And notice how, when you expand the timeline, it's only then that the dates near that one become visible.

Thank you,

BV52's picture

Hi crjensen,

Thank you for the information, I have filed a bug report and you can follow the progress here.


Thank you BV52, seems like the bug hasn't been dealt with yet, or?

BV52's picture

Hi crjensen,

I apologize for the delay we have some back logs that we need to attend to but don't worry we will take care of this a soon as we can.
