Images in Branching Question?

Arthur Wohlwill's picture

Is there a way to add images to the branching questions? One can have branches lead to images, I can't put an image in the question.


Arthur Wohlwill

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

I second this request

BV52's picture

Hi Arthur,

Thank you for contributing your ideas on how to make H5P better! With the H5P supporter program the H5P community can now vote for and fund the top voted H5P features.. Also there are developers in the community who every now and then works on a feature they find interesting or useful.


otacke's picture

Hi BV!

It's only a very tiny thing to do, but I don't want to put even more pull requests on the pile of existing ones that still need reviewing (some for Branching Scenario as well).


BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the update. On the side of the core team if all goes well they should start working on the backlogged reviews around February of next year.


otacke's picture

Hey BV!

Never ever give dates ;-)



I am throwing my hat in theis ring as well. We have images that we wish to remain on the screen so the learner can refer to them as they answer the question. Just popping up questions over everything makes it unviable.  Some comments made it seem like it might be on a roadmap, but I see nothing in the last few years since the first request. Is this on any roadmap?  Cheers, Mark

Hi there,
I'm also looking for a solution to add a picture in the branching question. Has anything happened so far in this case?
Thanks for an update,

BV52's picture

Hi Anja,

No updates yet for this feature.


Tamara Webster's picture


I would also find this feature very helpful :) 

All the best

kenh.zealand's picture

Hi, any progress at this issue? It would be most appreciated. Strange enough you can paste an image in The text, but it dosen't show up.

Tamara Webster's picture

I discovered this today too. Was momentarily excited - hah!

kenh.zealand's picture

It is truely frustration... Such a nice tool, which could be so much better.


Are there any updates for this issue?

Is there a way to make the images larger in a branching scenario feedback section?


I would like to resize the images so you can actually see them, in the feedback of a branching scenario. They aren not much use otherwise

I am throwing my hat in theis ring as well. We have images that we wish to remain on the screen so the learner can refer to them as they answer the question. Just popping up questions over everything makes it unviable.  Some comments made it seem like it might be on a roadmap, but I see nothing in the last few years since the first request. Is this on any roadmap?  Cheers, Mark

I am throwing my hat in theis ring as well. We have images that we wish to remain on the screen so the learner can refer to them as they answer the question. Just popping up questions over everything makes it unviable.  Some comments made it seem like it might be on a roadmap, but I see nothing in the last few years since the first request. Is this on any roadmap?  Cheers, Mark

Virtual Tour inside Branching scenario, with some hotspots leading to another branch, or question, would be a killer feature to gamify H5P. It's what I'm currently looking for to make an escape game. I have 360 images and riddles, but I can't put them together to advance into a linear or non-linear process.

otacke's picture

Hi all!

I created pull requests that will allow to add an image (or audio or video) at the top of a Branching Question. Please find them at and

Please also note that you can track progress at
