Random Branching

cogdog's picture

I'm working on a game-like exercise in the Branching Scenario content type. It would really be helpful to have some sort of ability, maybe when setting up a branching question, to provide a means where a button click could send the user to 1 of a set of possible nodes.

So say I am simulating a magical machine that dispenses short poems for students to analze or illustrate. A button would be available that sends them to one of 6 nodes in the scenario that has a diferent poem. I see an option in editing where one could indicated this is a random branch, and then select from either a drop down, or check boxes the potential set of possible destinations.

I can see this also viable on the Course Presentation content type. Whereas now ther is a slide button where a click leads to a different slide, it could have an option where it sends a viewer to one of a set of slides. 

Randomness adds a bit of intrigue and curioisty rather than fixed paths which can foreshadow the targets.


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otacke's picture

Hi cogdog!

I don't like to make content types that have a specific purpose more complex than they need to be (just because there might be an edge case that may be useful in some contexts). So, I don't think such a chance feature should be included in Course Presentation. However, I think it makes total sense to have something like this in Branching Scenario!

It could be handled a little more abstract, making Branching Scenario even more versatile:

"Allow successor nodes to be chosen automatically based upon the result of a node"

This would make it possible to include quizzes (similar to the demo at https://www.olivertacke.de/labs/2019/09/04/an-unexpected-demo/ where progression can be prevented until Fill in the Blanks is completed successfully) and automatically branch based upon the result.

All that's left to do then is a "randomizer" content type that offers different views (e. g. a list with options that a result (range) can be attached to as you suggest, a dice, ...) and generates the required result for the branching node to evaluate.

