Full screen issue

yener's picture

When I make the lecture presentation full screen, it adds 3 px height and is not visible. The full screen html code is as follows.

<iframe id="h5p-iframe-33" class="h5p-iframe h5p-initialized" data-content-id="33" style="width: 1920px; height: 3px;" src="about:blank" scrolling="no" title="Title" data-original-w="730" data-original-h="1" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Is there an automatic height setting in this 3px?

Content types: 
villon's picture

Tach yener,
ich weiß nicht, wie du zu den absoluten Werten gekommen bist bei deinem vollen Bildschirm, falls du das beeinflussen kannst, kannst du natürlich relative Werte setzen. Zum Beispiel in em  oder in Prozent.


Hello yener,
I don't know how you arrived at the absolute values with your full screen, but if you can influence that, you can of course set relative values. For example in em or in percent.

villon's picture

Hello again, yener,
It would of course be helpful to know under which LMS and browser these problems occur. In addition, you could also kindly search the archive, as perhaps a solution to your problem can already be found there.

villon's picture

Es wäre hilfreich, einen Link zu einem Beispiel Ihres Inhalts zu setzen, um uns Ihr(e) Problem(e) zu zeigen.