Link between pages in Interactive Book

Hi everyone, I have created an Interactive Book with several different pages in H5P. On one of the pages, I want to create a link to another of the pages. Is there a way to general a web address for each of the subpages in an interactive book? Or is there another workaround to this problem? Thanks, Katie

Content types: 

yes I would like to know how to do this. My IB has lots of sections which contain multiple CPs but I want to jump to anywhere in the IB from any page. Anchors seem to do it in CPs but I can't get them to work in IB correctly

I want to know how to do this also.

Thank you

I want to know how to do it also.

Same here! Would be super usefull to make glossaries, wikis and stuff like that.

I know this is getting on a bit, but in case someone finds this looking for the same thing and nearly pitch their laptop in frustration: note that this DOES NOT WORK for books that are imbedded via content bank on Moodle, you'll get an endless loop to the first page of the book. If you are on Moodle, you have to create the H5P book right into the interface (for my Moodle it is using the "Interactive content" H5P option in orange not  the purple "H5P" option that lets you choose from the content bank.

Then you can navigate to the page you want and copy the link out of the URL bar.

It would be a MILLION times easier if there were an anchor option within interactive books or bookmarking or something, or some kind of fixed URL that would make it work from content bank. I mainly hope I saved someone's sanity just a little!

I know this is getting on a bit, but in case someone finds this looking for the same thing and nearly pitch their laptop in frustration: note that this DOES NOT WORK for books that are imbedded via content bank on Moodle, you'll get an endless loop to the first page of the book. If you are on Moodle, you have to create the H5P book right into the interface (for my Moodle it is using the "Interactive content" H5P option in orange not  the purple "H5P" option that lets you choose from the content bank.

Then you can navigate to the page you want and copy the link out of the URL bar.

It would be a MILLION times easier if there were an anchor option within interactive books or bookmarking or something, or some kind of fixed URL that would make it work from content bank. I mainly hope I saved someone's sanity just a little!

I am using Lumi for creating the interactive book. There is an anchor option, like in the picture attached. Do you have and use these option too? 
My problem is: it did not work. It alwas says "there is no achor", because I do not have the chance to name them and then choose from the ifferent anchors.
