Speak the words Set

Course Presentation

I am trying to create a course presentation in H5P using Lumi. My requirements are1. Opening published HTML /Scorm output in full screen by default.2. Options to operate the push to speak feature without internet, in h5p.SpeakThe WordsSets library I had added into coursepresentation.3. I had removed navigation between slides and added go to slide feature alone. In this criteria, navigation to another slide should be enabled only on sucess of push to speak output.
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Iframe embedding of Speak the Words set in Interactive Book (Moodle 4)

Hi there,

I am creating an Interactive book and wish to add Speak the Words Set as an activity. However, this activity type is not among the available activities in Interactive book; so I try to embed it through Iframe Embedder. At this point, I am having problem locating the local h5p file; I've tried several things to locate and embed but I failed every time.

Could anyone guide me on how I can locate and embed that file and tell me what adjustments I need to do, in order to make it work.

Thank you in advance.



Speak The Words Set: answer equal to alternative, but is marked as incorrect.

Hello, thank you for the development of this plugin.

I want to report a bug in Speak The Words Set.

1. Description:

The error is as follows: the answer is equal to one of the alternatives, however it marks it as incorrect. 

2. Platform and version number. Wordpress 6.0.2

3. Mobile and Desktop

4.  Browser: Chrome and Edge

5. H5P plugin versión: 1.15.4

Attached is the h5p file and screen shots

