
Adding flashcards into a column

We use columns lots and with great success. Would really help if the flash cards could be added as a content type within this structure.

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Flashcards customizations

Hello! I'm using the H5P plug-in in Wordpress and have a few questions about Flashcards. 

1) Is there any way to format the text in any of the fields? For instance, adding a table to the "Question" field. 

2) Is there any way to expand the answer input textbox so that more of the text can be visible while typing an answer? Maybe these flashcards are better suited for one-word or short answers?

3) What is the word/character limit of each text box? From experience, the "Answer" box only allows me to input 40 words.

How to create multiple titles for FLashcards and Dialog Cards

How to create multiple titles for FLashcards and Dialog Cards

Can someone help me create a lot of Headlines in Content Flashcards like the example above h5p here https://h5p.org/flashcards#example=109998

* Please see the photos and links attached to understand what I mean

Give an example with my case:
