
Spaced repetition and feedback in flashcard/dialogue cards

Hello h5p developers,

Please add a feeedback system where the user can input how well he remembered a particular flashcard from a scale of 1-5 (1 being worst and 5 being best recall).

Depending on the input, the flashcard should repeat after a specific interval, eg. more frequently for lower recall inputs.


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Multiple possible answers in a flash card

Hi - I'd like to set up the flash cards where if a students misspells a word they can still get the answer correct. How do I set up multiple possible answers? For example;

Question: What is a round red fruit?

multiple possible answers: apple, aple, appel

How can I set it up where if the student answers one of the ways it was spelled it still ends up being correct?

I have a lot of medical terms that are hard to spell and I don't want the students to feel discouraged just because of a misspellling. Thank you!

