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Site Speed: Very Slow Loading



I am using a MacBook Air, Intel Core 1.3, on the latest software update, Ventura 13.0.1.


I am experiencing significant issues with loading speeds. I have cleared my cache and tried alternate WiFi and different browsers (Currently using google chrome).


The issue persists, are there any solutions to this issue?

Both sides cards

HaimT's picture


I have just started to use h5p with WordPress.

I would like to create cards where both sides of the card can be asked as question and the other side is the answer.

Let's say learning language: one side of the card is one language and the other side of the card is the other language. When somebody is playing or learning or testing with these cards the question could be any side of the card and the answer is on the other side.

Which module is good to make this kind of cards?

Thanks a lot! Greetings!




Mixed version dependency conflict


I ran ino a strange bug in the Moodle mobile app. In the app, but not the web, we are getting the error in the attached screenshot  with the attached h5p.

This H5P was generated on and had been working, but then stopped at some point.

When I checked the dependencies on the file we uploaded to moodle (attached broken.h5p) and the export file that Moodle sent to the mobile app, I noticed this change in dependencies:

broken.h5p dependencies
