Multiple Choice

TypeError: H5PIntegration.contents

abbydigital's picture

TypeError: H5PIntegration.contents[("cid-" + contentId)] is undefined on line #401 in line 2 > eval

I am getting this error in the visual editor of the Oxygen page builder plugin for Wordpress.  Everthing seems to be working on the front end, but I keep seeing this error on the back end (inside the visual editor of Oxygen).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Putting image on the left or right

jurre's picture

Hello everyone,

I registrered a long time ago. But only now i'm starting to use this wonderfull h5p content!
Right now i try to find a nice style for creating quizes on my website. To the point: is it possible in question set/multiple choice to put an image on the left and have the question on the right? And how do i do that? I'm not coder, just a simple high schoolteacher. XD

Because pictures say more than words i've made a small mock-up of what i intend to accomplish. The quiz self is a topographic question and in dutch.
