Fill in the Blanks

Exporting fill-in-the-blank (and other text based content) as simple text / printable

dodsoner's picture

Has anyone found a good workaround for providing fill in the blank content as simple text for users with limited digital tools?

I teach in a community college in the US, and in this current time, some of my learners are using phones and other tech with limited functionality (i.e., javascript is off or not functioning, or they have low bandwidth). My colleagues are working with an OER that has 100+ H5P activities in a pressbook.

Table Format/Layout for Advanced fill the blanks

Hi I was wondering if it was possible to create a table layout with set out columns for the user to imput number answers in the Advanced Fill the Blank content type? I've included a visual of what I'm trying to create. Some examples span more than 3 columns and can be up 9 columns across or more.

Any suggestions would be great. I'm currently just adding something like this on each line for a 3 column layout (not ideal as spacing is not always lined up from row to row):

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Creating an "End of Quiz" link to move forward

khewss's picture


I've been using the Quiz options in H5P in my Moodle (v3.8) portal to create quizzes. However, I've found that whenever students complete their quizzes, they would have to close that browser window, in order to get back to the previous tabbed page. 

Is there a way to put a URL link at the end of the quiz, so students can "just click" to move forward to another topic/quiz or wherever I'd want them to move forward to? Although this is available in the Interactive Video option, where I can set a pop up window at the end of a video that allows URLs to be linked.
