Course Presentation

Visual Problem with interactive videos embed in course presentations

giofonseca's picture

There is a visual problem with the interactive videos embed in a Course presentation. There is no chance to see the whole frame of the video, it's too big the default view that one has to scroll down to see the video, therefore there is unusefull now. I noticed this problem since I upgraded to the last version of course presentation on the plugin's library in Wordpress.

Altering semantics only if in compound content type

sanderaido's picture


Is there any way to check whether the content type is "inside" another content type and alter it's semantics accordingly? For example change some default options of Fill in the blanks but only if it is inside a Column type. The h5p_semantics_alter hook doesn't seem to have any context about where it is run, so is this possible at all?

I'm using Drupal 7. Something like:
