Course Presentation

Issues after library update

Hello everybody!

We used the hub to update the course presentation library to version 1.17 and we can't create, edit or visualize course presentation and/ or interactive videos now.

How can we force reinstall of the library now that the Hub is in place? Will all content be deleted if we reinstall the Drupal h5p module?

Any clue would be appreciated.

Instead of the Course Presentation editor, we see this:


The browser console shows these errors when I try to visualize content previously created:

Course presentation: More robust summary page architecture

juho.jaakkola's picture

There have been several questions and feature requests for the summary slide of the Course presentation content type.

The questions are basically asking how to either:

  • Hide something from the slide
  • Add something new to the slide
  • Change how the existing features work

Here are some examples:

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
