Course Presentation

Course Presentation Drag N Bar not loading.

shuggs's picture

I've been working with a Laravel H5P package that includes both H5P core and editor.  All working fine, except in the Course Presentation content-type, the Drag-N-Bar doesn't load..

To test the creation vs import; I created a Course Presentation on, uploaded via our admin.. it extracted, loads and displays but when editing I have the same issue.  The content under "Add Interaction" only loads half the items. 

Performance issue in course presentation

I have created one course presentation with 15 slides which contains text,link,label and total 2 images along with few questionaire items. Framework tries to load all the slide interactions right away so that there is an performance issue happening.

Anybody knows solution for this problem, please help me. 

Course Presentation with Tabs on top, and ability to label them (Moodle)

Add an option for course presentation content type (or similar) to position tabs on top, and to label them. To work in Moodle (and presumaby other) plugin.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
