Course Presentation

Course Presentation complete activity before moving on

I've been working with colleagues using H5P in Moodle. One of the points raised was that there is no way to know whether students have interacted with the activities in the course presentation. They worry that students will skip over them.

Activity completion can be applied for a view and a grade but view only says they looked, and grade really only helps if you plan to have a quiz. There is nothing to say that someone interacted with a drag and drop activity for example.

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Using H5P tutorials on our corporate site?

jarvil's picture


I'm interested to know if I'm allowed to translate h5p library tutorials to finnish and using them to instruct our customers how to use these H5P-libraries in Moodle. Is it okay to f.ex translate this;

And add these instructions to our companys instructions page for our customers? 
