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H5P content not visible with Public canvas shell

I am trying to work on a solution for our customer. They want a shell in Canvas to be publicly visible with the ability to download H5P content. However, when the canvas shell is public, no one can see the H5P content. "ERROR - The sub field is required. If the problem persists try contacting support"

H5P content not visible with Public canvas shell

I am trying to work on a solution for our customer. They want a shell in Canvas to be publicly visible with the ability to download H5P content. However, when the canvas shell is public, no one can see the H5P content. "ERROR - The sub field is required. If the problem persists try contacting support"

Remove hard coded English from existing H5P type. How can we make new H5P?


In one of the H5P-types there is a hard-coded sentence of English feedback. Because it is disruptive to language teaching and does not contribute anything extra, we simply want to remove it from the H5P.
We found the js-file containing the phrase. What do we need to do now to create the custom H5P type that can be installed on our Moodle?
