Interactive Video

Interactive Video Uploading


I was trying to make an Interactive Video on the and had planned to then embed the code.

It however said that only files of 16 MB could be uploaded as Video, this is quite less as most of our videos are quite larger than that in mp4. 

It said that it needs an External Service for files larger than 16 MB, actually we do have a Video Hosting Service Subscription - can it be used to upload the videos and then use the Interactive Video feature here for content creation, if yes then kindly let me know how I can do it?

Thank you.

Empty Response From Multichoice Questions


So I’m looking at the H5P API documentation for the answered multichoice question on an interactive video.

And I'm trying to figure something out. If you log after the user hits the check button, you’re supposed to get the user response. According to the documentation.


Initial Page - Hide Continue button - Sumary as Button/Poster (Interactive Video)

e-me's picture

a) It would be desirable to have the option to add at least one initial page so that explanations can be given for the main activity. This option is available in Interactive Video content type but the number of characters allowed in the text is very limited, not enough to give extensive explanations or directions when needed. Capability of entering 100 characters would be desirable.
b) Since the Summary task is usually at the end of the video it would be desirable to have the option to hide the Continue button.

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