Interactive Video

Interactive video single choice set - answers already highlighted

I create an interactive video by pasting a link from Youtube. 

When adding a single-choice set task, the correct answers are already highlighted before the viewer clicks on their own choice, so revealing the answer. 

Also, some interactions freeze once finished, rather than playing the 'completed' sound and 'continue' operation.

This seems to be an issue with a recent update as this was not happening yesterday


I'm using a drupal platform on a windows desktop, as well as H5P's own editor

Interactive video should support mov files

I want to be able to post videos from my phone.

Currently only mp4s and webms are supported, which is extremely limiting.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Course Presentation could not be installed - Moodle 3.3

Hi I have just set up H5P for moodle 3.3. Upon installing Course Presentation I get the following message "Course Presentation could not be installed. Contact your administrator." When I retry the instalation seems to be a success, but when I use Course Presentation, the editor does not appear. The same happens with Interactive video. There is anly the option for :

Other content seem to be working just fine. 
