Interactive Video

Prevent question text appearing automatically in video


I am using Moodle and the Interactive video content.

I cannot prevent each question from displaying automatically, even though I have inserted a button to click to display. It seems this is linked to the fact that I have also selected 'require full score'.

The fact that the text displays prevents students navigating back to watch again. They are forced to answer even though they may want to watch  again. I am concerned this will lead them to answer randomly rather than choose an answer based on what they have understood.

Prevent question text appearing automatically in video


I am using Moodle and Interactive video.

When 'Prevent skipping forward' and 'Require full score for task before proceeding' are selected, the text of the multiple choice questions display automatically. I have inserted a 'button' for access to the question and I would prefer students to press the button before they see the question. The reason for this is because students cannot rewind when the text displays automatically. Therefore, they may not be ready to answer the question and be tempted to answer more or less randomly.

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