Memory Game

Unable to see Grade Review in Moodle of H5P


Hi all,

I am using Moodle with H5P Interactive content like Atrimetical Quiz, Course presention and Interactive Videos too (almost all).

But facing issues unable to see Grade review after users attempts atrimetical quizs and others too.

Please help to understand if any configuratio which I missed.

Only Interactive videos review I can see in grades section. 

(Memory Game) how to add more text into the description?


I am loving the Memory Game so far. I would like to add more content into the popup when tiles matches. At the moment is really short.

I am using it in Wordpress. Is that possible?

Many many thanks in advance!

PS: a WYSIWYG editor for the description would also be great

Unlogged User Results

Is it possible to view the results of unlogged users? Or a way of adding a Email Signup or something like that to capture the results/data? 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
