Content creation
I am a new user and would like to know if I need to purchase an account to create different content?
I am a new user and would like to know if I need to purchase an account to create different content?
I am new to H5P and Wordpress in general and am trying to build an educational course suing Learndash, Elementor Pro, and some of the H5P activities and games. I have created a pop up with a memory game inside of it but it does not show up. The pop up box shows up after you click on the button, but there is a long thin white bar that shows up where the memory game is supposed to be. Is this a problem with Wordpress or Elementor, or do I have the settings wrong with the memory game itself?
Uso o h5p a algum tempo no Moodle, para gerar conteudo interativo para meus alunos.
Porém já faz alguns meses que o h5p não carrega no Moodle, conteudos como o video interativo, course apresentation, agamotto, e muitos outros, não abrem, fica carregando e não abre conforme a imagem anexo.
Instalei e desistalei o plugin, inclusive criei até outro moodle e nada funcionou.
.Estou usando o Moodle 3.9 e também o 3.10
Wordpress versão 5.7.1
PHP versão 7.3.27
Servidor Hospedagem no Hostagator
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