Quiz (Question Set)

Column 'library_id' cannot be null

Hi there,

After editing an H5P activity and saving, there is an error connecting to the Moodle database. 

This occurs when: 

> Changing the sizing of an image in H5P

> Unticking the "Require pass grade" option in H5P

> Changes to the completion settings (unticked the retry button on the quiz set and disabled the retry button) in H5P 

All of above is within H5P editor itself embedded into Moodle. 


After debugging, this is the error message: 


Upgraded to Moodle 4.1 as a test but none of the H5P activites copied over

ruthruane's picture

Hi I recently upgraded my moodle site from 3.11 to 4.1 and everything went smoothly. I am think though I am going to  have to roll it back to 3.11 again because not one of the H5P activities copied over with moodledata and all the courses are devoid of any H5P activities. Before I do a roll back is there an easy way of accessing my H5P content and getting the activities to load in the courses as they were in the 3.11 version of moodle. 

I was really excited about upgrading and really thought that H5P was complatible with Moodle 4.11

Proposal for the extension of quiz (question set) for repetition

If a question is not solved correctly, it should automatically be offered again at the end of the run. Only when all questions have been answered correctly, the quiz can be closed.

Dialog Cards offers something similar. However, it is up to the learner to judge whether an answer is correct or incorrect. I also find the algorithm quite complex. I would prefer a simpler implementation.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
