Quiz (Question Set)

Quiz (QS) and Image Choice : "submit" button showing even when it is disabled [SOLVED]

Hello !

I think that this is a bug, but maybe this is done this way by design... Here are first some infos as requested :

  • WP 6.1
  • H5P plugin for WP (last version)
  • Question Set (last version I think, because the update is failing in the hub)
  • Chrome Version 110.0.5481.77 (Build officiel) (x86_64)

Here is how to reproduce what I think is a bug :

- I create a Question Set containing 3 MCQ and 2 Image Choice.

Cant Creat New H5P

gencyazilim's picture

Hello, I have set up a new Wordpress site. Latest version. 6.1.1. Nothing is installed yet. I just installed H5P, LearnPress and Elementor. I am using a free theme. astra

I enter the creation page to add a new H5P content. I'm doing the H5P content. (For example Question Set, Course Pre. or Drag Drop i try many of them...) Then when I press the "Create" button on the right side of Wordpress, the page reloads and the content disappears. A new event is not recorded.

I use PHP 7.4

What can I do, anyone know?

Thanks for help

Possible to easily add small images/videos in Column and Interactive Book? And small videos in Question Set?

Could it be possible to easily add small images in Column and Interactive Book? Now any image we insert will immediately become screen wide, with a great height.

It would also be very useful if the size of videos could really be chosen. Now there is only the choice between all available space and the video aspect ratio. We are unable to show a video in a small frame.

We just tried to insert a video with a small height and width in a Question Set. Here, too, the video is irrevocably enlarged. 


Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
