como ver archivos
Submitted by ELIAS ORTEGA GARCIA on Sun, 02/25/2018 - 00:41
como puedo ver contenido h5p si estoy en otra pagina??
como puedo ver contenido h5p si estoy en otra pagina??
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Sun, 02/25/2018 - 14:51
Hi Elias,I'm not sure I
Hi Elias,
I'm not sure I follow you, can you please elaborate your question.
No estoy seguro de seguirte, ¿puedes por favor elaborar tu pregunta?
Tue, 04/24/2018 - 22:35
in Moodle 3.4 and doesn´t show me the H5p activities
Please Help me
I have a class in progress, Moodle 3.4, and doesn´t show me the H5p activities, I explain:
On the same computer, same Internet connection, two different users: one can see the interactive videos and another can not, some can see interactive presentations and another can not.
Wed, 04/25/2018 - 16:10
Hi, from my limited spanish
Hi, from my limited spanish knowledge I see that the H5P is marked with "Restringido", which I guess makes it restricted until a different activity is completed. I assume one student has filled the requirement to see the activity, while the other student has not.
This is Moodle functionality and is not connected to H5P in any way. Please see Moodle's "Restrict access settings" guide for more information and learn how to configure this to your use.
Best regards, Thomas
Thu, 04/26/2018 - 20:09
in Moodle 3.4 and doesn´t show me the H5p activities
Thomas, thanks for answer to me and sorry for my english.
I tryed, eliminate all the restrictions and still don´t show the activities.
The thing is: the user don´t see the activity, like it never exist, if you see the image with name" error moodle.png" doesn´t show, nothing. The image with name "error moodle2.png" it's how it should look in all users.
Even in the first activity doesn´t show, and this don´t have restriction.
My problem is, I have a 100 users, and 10 of them can´t see the activities.
I don´t know what to do, please help me.
Fri, 04/27/2018 - 09:16
Do you have public accounts
Do you have public accounts we can use to see the problem ? and the settings for the activity ?
Alternatively do you have a set of steps we can apply to a fresh installation to reproduce this ?
Unfortunately there's not enough information here to figure out what is wrong, and this seems like a Moodle related problem, not an H5P related problem. Have you tried asking in the Moodle forums ?
Tue, 08/14/2018 - 04:51
Copiar actividad h5p de un curso a otro
Hola Elias Ortega. Soy Armando de Argentina. Quisiera saber si existe alguna forma de Copiar una actividad H5P de un curso a otro.? Te explico. Genere un video-interactivo H5P y lo descargue a mi PC. Luego quise levantarlo desde los distintos cursos de Moodle seleccionando "Contenido Interactivo H5P", "Iframe embedder", pero no hay forma, no lo puedo levantar. Agradeceria si me dieras alguna sugerencia.
(translate from google translator) Hello Elías Ortega. I'm Armando from Argentina. I would like to know if there is any way to Copy an H5P activity from one course to another? I explain. Generate an interactive H5P video and download it to my PC. Then I wanted to raise it from the different Moodle courses by selecting "Interactive Content H5P", "Insert iframe", but there is no way, I can not lift it. I would appreciate if I like the suggestion.
Tue, 08/14/2018 - 04:59
Hi profebitterlich,This is
Hi profebitterlich,
This is possible by selecting to upload the content instead of creating a new one (screenshot attached).
Esto es posible seleccionando cargar el contenido en lugar de crear uno nuevo (captura de pantalla adjunta). (Traducido usando el traductor de Google)
Tue, 08/14/2018 - 05:55
Copiar actividad h5p de un curso a otro
Thank you for answering so quickly. but that's exactly what I do and this image appears to me. And I can not load it to use the activity in another course. If you have any idea of the problem, thank your suggestions
Gracias por responder tan rápido!. pero eso justamente lo que hago y me aparece esta imagen. Y no puedo cargarlo para usar la actiividad en otro curso. Si tienes alguna idea del problema agradesco tus sugeencias
Tue, 08/14/2018 - 06:00
Hi profebitterlich,From the
Hi profebitterlich,
From the screenshot it looks like the error message (highlighted in red) needs to be scrolled a bit to see what it says. Can you please scroll down on it and take another screenshot. I would also suggest that you attach the H5P that you are trying to upload so that we can check. Lastly does this happen to any H5P activity that you try tro upload?
Tue, 08/14/2018 - 06:16
Copiar actividad h5p de un curso a otro
You will not believe it !! This time if I raise it! It seems to be a problem that my Internet connection is slow, but in reality I could not load any activity these days, now I could do it. Thanks for your time. If I find another problem, I consult them, thank you very much!
No lo vas a creer !! ¡Esta vez si lo levanto! Parece ser que era un problema de mi conexión a Internet, pero en realidad no pude cargar ninguna actividad en estos días, ahora si pude hacerlo. Gracias por tu tiempo. Si encuentro otro problema te consulto, ¡muchas gracias!
Wed, 08/15/2018 - 05:42
Hi profebitterlich,I'm glad
Hi profebitterlich,
I'm glad it's working now. If you need to further assistance feel free to post in the forums.
Fri, 02/15/2019 - 14:11
Tengo un problema parecido
Saludos estimado, tambien tengo intslado el h5p para contenido interactivo me sale un mensaje de error "tu no tienes acceso a este contenido. Intenta iniciar sesión" y puedo notar que solo pueden ver este recurso los que tiene rol de gestores, los que tiene rol de estudiantes no pueden verlos, no se si encontraron alguna solución para este problema
Mon, 02/18/2019 - 06:07
Hi vladycruz,Are there any
Hi vladycruz,
Are there any restrictions to the page or course where you have the H5Ps?
Mauricio Calle
Wed, 05/27/2020 - 20:33
Encontraste la solución?
Buenas tardes,
Buscando sobre el inconveniente que prsento en este momento para viualizar contenido de H5P me cuentro que tú describes exctamente lo mismo que me esta pasando en este momento en un Moodle 3.8 Tengo un HP5 subido a Youtube y lo enbebi en una etiqueta de Moodle pero solo la puedo ver yo como admin pero los estudiantes no pueden ver el contenido del video, les arroja el siguiente mensaje "Tú no tienes acceso a este contenido. Intenta iniciar sesión."
Por favor si tienes alguna idea de que esta pasando te lo agradeceria bastante.
Wed, 06/03/2020 - 23:13
No lo logre
Que tal, te comentó que no logre solucionar, me djero que era problema con la plataforma e instale uan nueva versión de moodle, pero tu tienes de las útimas versiones, no sabria decirte.
Tue, 02/26/2019 - 16:38
Estimado BV52,No conozco el
Estimado BV52,
No conozco el tema sobre las restricciones, quizá me puedes orientar donde veo estas restricciones, quizá eso sea el origen del problema.
Thu, 02/28/2019 - 00:59
Hi vladycruz,2 things that
Hi vladycruz,
2 things that you need to check.
1. The student needs to be enrolled on the course. This is also true for contents that are embeded on a page, the students needs to be enrolled on the course where the content is embedding from.
2. The page has restrictions for the students (see screenshot).
Thu, 02/28/2019 - 14:43
Estimado BV52.No tengo
Estimado BV52.
No tengo habilitado la restricción de acceso, se podría decir que todos los estudiantes tienen la posiblidad de ingreso a mirar los recursos? Que otra alternetiva me podrías sugerir, gracias por tu ayuda de antemano
Fri, 03/01/2019 - 02:09
Hi vladycruz,You are correct
Hi vladycruz,
You are correct your students should have access to your contents that is if they are enrolled in the course. Would it be possible to provide a test account with student access so that we can check?
Sat, 03/02/2019 - 23:31
Estimado BV52 Claro puedo
Estimado BV52
Claro puedo crear una cuenta para acceso como estudiante, ayudame con un mail para crear la cuenta.
Mon, 03/04/2019 - 00:18
Estimado, ayudame con tu mail
Estimado, ayudame con tu mail para crear tu usuario
Mon, 03/04/2019 - 07:57
Hi vladycruz,You can use this
Hi vladycruz,
You can use this [email protected].
Tue, 03/05/2019 - 00:37
Por favor, revisa tu mail te
Por favor, revisa tu mail te cree una cuenta como estudiante en el curso que contiene elementos de h5p, cualquier duda me comentas
Tue, 03/05/2019 - 08:19
Hi vladycruz,Can you post
Hi vladycruz,
Can you post here the URL of the course I can't seem to find which one has H5Ps in it.
Tue, 03/05/2019 - 14:54
Hola BV52el link es https:/
Hola BV52
el link es son videos y tarjetas con interacciones h5p, me comentas culquier duda
Wed, 03/06/2019 - 04:57
Hi vladycruz,Thank you for
Hi vladycruz,
Thank you for the link. I was able to access the the course and noticed that the content in the introduction is embedded. The content is located in a "parent" course and since I am not enrolled in that course I am unable to see the content. What you need to do to have the students access the contents on the page is to also enroll them in the parent course.
Fri, 03/08/2019 - 17:42
Estimado BV52El curso fue
Estimado BV52
El curso fue creado en una plataforma de prueba y fue migrado a la plataforma de producción, inscribe a un participante en el curso principal en la plataforma de prueba y tampoco se pudo visualizar.
Cree recursos desde cero en un parte del curso, por que vi en el foro que los cursos clonados no permiten ver recursos interacctivos de h5p y tampoco se pudo visualizar. Ya no se me ocurre que más se pueda hacer.
Fri, 09/17/2021 - 00:20
The problem is the embed
I was a similar a problem, I saw the code in the embedded label the ID of H5P resource is the fail, I don't know why moodle not refresh this label, the number was a referent to the same h5p resource, but this resource was from another course.
I was change the id in the embedded label and the problem solved.
Mon, 03/30/2020 - 20:32
Este programa sirve para ver
Este programa sirve para ver tele clases?
Tue, 03/31/2020 - 18:32
Hi el_cuchu,Google translate
Hi el_cuchu,
Google translate may not be translating it correcty but you can use H5P for E-learning or remote teaching.
Oscar C Thompso...
Mon, 08/10/2020 - 00:40
Change a H5P file
Is it possible to change an H5P file to mp4? and if it is possible how can I do?
Mon, 08/10/2020 - 19:42
Hi Oscar,I'm afaid this is
Hi Oscar,
I'm afaid this is not possible. H5P files are not video files but several files that are contained in a folder similar to a zip file.
Oscar C Thompso...
Tue, 08/18/2020 - 18:24
To BV52
Hi BV52
Thank very much for your aswer
Have a nice day
Fri, 10/09/2020 - 12:01
Hola soy un estudiante y
Hola soy un estudiante y cuando descargo el archivo, no puedo verlo. ¿Cómo lo puedo ver? ¿qué programa me puedo descargar para poderlo ve?
Rodolfo Herrera
Mon, 12/14/2020 - 21:32
no puedo desacargar
no puedo desacargar contenidos realizados en node( de la Web), estoy realizando pruba gratituita y quiero cargar ese contenido en blackboar lms
Tue, 12/15/2020 - 18:02
Hi Rodolfo,You check the
Hi Rodolfo,
You check the documentation here. Please note that the download button can be turned on/off by the author of the content and if the author opted to turn it off you will not be able to download it.
Mon, 01/04/2021 - 22:31
Similar issue
So, I had a similar problem to what's being described here. Some of my students can view the H5P content I created and others don't. I posted the content (drag text, flashcards, find the hotspot and virtual tour) on my blog post My wordpress version is 5.6. Is the plugin not compatible with Wordpress 5.6? Or why is this happening?
Tue, 01/05/2021 - 17:30
Hi meldilev,I just checked
Hi meldilev,
I just checked your site and it looks like you are having a totally different issue. Just to confirm are the H5P contents embedded from a different site?