Add images to Accordion

Images would make this much more user friendly!

Add Column to Accordion
Content types: 
Issue Status: 
Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
tomaj's picture

Hi Claire,

Thank you for your feedback! :)

Do you mean that you would like to use images as part of the accordions text?

- Tom

Hi Tom - yes, that would be great.

falcon's picture

I think we will make it possible to add Column to Accordion so that you may add anything inside it.

Do you have a timeline for adding these very important features?  Lacking images impairs the presentation of much critical content.  Thanks!

otacke's picture

Hi lmoin!

It's right around the corner ...



papi Jo's picture

+1 for adding an "Add Image" function to the Accordion toolbar.

I'm building an introduction to our VLE for students, and being able to add screenshots would mean I could use Accordion rather than endless embedded H5P slideshows!

Beatriz Rojo's picture

From me too!

Dellaplane's picture

From me too!!!

Any news on how this is working out?

BV52's picture

Hi JAO-at-H5P,

Once this pull request has been reviewed and merge with the official version it will then be released by the core team.


I hope you can add same feature as course presenter in Accordion. Or if not, a way to add different course presenter material into accordion as well as photos, videos, and other materials other than text only. Thanks.


otacke's picture

Hi Myrthon!

That'd also be possible, but before I start implementing that in my spare time, it was great if the H5P core team said yay or nay in advance.



BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

I agree ;-) but don't you think Column pretty much covers all of those and the only limitation is that it cannot be collapsed/expanded like Accordion.


otacke's picture

Yeay, that's why I would include Column directly if that's fine.

BV52's picture

Hi Oliver,

I'll have to get back to you on that ;-)


otacke's picture

If using H5P.Column inside H5P.Accordion is an option (vastly increasing the versatility), here's your treat: (and if the options inside Accordion should be limited, that's no problem at all using that's used in the pull request anyway).

If H5P.Image as an additional option would be enough, go this way:

Images would greatly improve the content presentation.

As a picture speaks a thousand words, it would be easier for students to understand and memorize by recalling images or photos.

This feature would realy improve the usability of this content type.



Peter Bright's picture


I find this unbelievable that H5P cannot make happen for users to add an image to Accordion. The Colum feature - per multiple comments threads here and grithub -  is still not an option. What exactly is the issue? Seems straightforward for a site which is specifically offers interactive and technological resources. Please advise. Thank you!

This would be an amazing feature as my institution is moving towards incorporating more OERS in courses.  I hope this becomes a feature soon.  I am not super good at coding, which can be hindrance when wanting to modify.

Please add this feature!


This seems quite needed :D

Apologies to the H5P team for making the complicated seem simple. I expect it's more work than it seems. But surely being able to insert an image inside an accordion has go to be doable in a reasonable amount of time. It would transform this type of asset.

BV52's picture

Hi aspex,

I would agree that this is an easy fix and there are also some other requests that already have the code contributed by the community. The hard part or should I say time consuming part is to reviewe the code and test it. The developers in the core team needs to make sure that any changes will not break any existing feature or any content that has been previously created.


I can insert a picture in this comment, but not in accordion text........

Any news about this?

I am also lookging for information on how I could embed content in the accordion (whether video, images or documents or other H5P content).... I am actually shocked that it cannot be done. Such a simple feature that would make the accordion serve its purpose. :( I hope this will be fixed very soon, but seeing people have requested it since 2017 if not earlier, I wonder why it is taking so long?

Anxiously awaiting these features...

Anxiously awaiting these enhancements...

I am also looking forward for this enhancements. It is important. Chance the editor and it is possible I think...

otacke's picture

Maybe the H5P content type "Tabs" is an alternative.

Tabs is a  great alternative , but it is also not avalaible, because H5P team have to screen it... 

otacke's picture


Please see the page that I demo the content type add. It contains installation instructions. In a nutshell: H5P can install libraries from content files as well. No need to install everything via the Hub.


It would allow to habe tiered learning aids (Gestufte Lernhilfen).

I would like to add my name to the list of people to request images be added as an option for accordions. Is this on your roadmap at all?

We have an instructor who uses Accordions to organize content. However, there is a student who wants to print out the entire Accordion so they can study. Is this on your roadmap? Thanks -DW

BV52's picture

Hi dw.wood,

There are no plans in adding a print option to Accordion or any other content type in the near furture.


I hope they do add it.

kenh.zealand's picture

I can't see, why images in the according has not been prioritized. It would make the accordion so much more usefull.

Is there any good alternatives in use or workarounds, since, this is not a hot feature request?

- Kenneth

The H5P Accordion content type currently only supports text input, which limits its versatility in creating engaging and comprehensive learning materials. Please consider expanding the functionality to allow the inclusion of rich media content such as images and videos within accordion panels.

This enhancement would significantly improve the learning experience by allowing visual and audio-visual content, enhancing understanding and retention of information. It would also provide more flexibility for content creators, enabling instructors to present information in the most effective way for their specific topics. Many web frameworks, like Bootstrap, already support various content types in accordions, so this update would align H5P Accordion with modern web standards.

Incorporating diverse content types would improve the tool's versatility, allowing educators to create more interactive learning materials. For example, we could include diagrams or infographics to visually represent complex information, embed video tutorials within relevant sections, or add audio clips for language learning. These additions would greatly enhance the educational value and engagement of H5P Accordion content.

otacke's picture

This is requested often, and there's a pull request intended to add that feature dating to April 2020. H5P Group would have to comment on what the status here is.

We need this badly!!!


We need this very much!!!