Fullscreen mode interactive Video and video?
Hi there,
I would like to insert an interactive video in a course presentation. But there is no way to start the full screen mode ? However, in the example Interactive Video on the H5P page, this mode is displayed (see comparison images in the attachment).
I use Wordpress.
Have also tried uploading the video as a "normal" video, i.e. not interactive. In edit mode the fullscreen mode is displayed, but as soon as I enter preview mode, the fullscreen mode is no longer displayed (see attachment; no matter how large I drag the video).
Does anyone have an idea what this could be and how I get the full screen mode displayed (whether interactive video or normal video)?
Thank you!
Mon, 02/14/2022 - 17:33
Fullscreen mode interactive Video and video?
Moin lsuesslin,
my guess goes more in the direction of configuration of wordpress or your used browser. I haven't encountered anything like this with my self-made/linked videos. Please check this with another video. You are also welcome to use the one on the linked page. It says reuse underneath;)
Kind regards Villon
Fri, 02/18/2022 - 13:30
Hi,I think the problem is
I think the problem is that I use the interactive video within a Course Presentation. If I don't have your Interactive Video (or any Interactive Video) inside a Course Presentation, I see the Fullscreen icon too. But as soon as I have the video inside a Course Presentation, the fullscreen icon disappears. Any ideas?
Fri, 02/18/2022 - 18:05
Fullscreen mode interactive Video and video?
Hi lsuesslin,
I must have missed the fact that you had included this video in a course presentation. In this respect I can understand that. Here I know from lack of experience unfortunately also no way out.
Wed, 01/22/2025 - 14:43
Turn this into a feature request
Hi there, just to let you and other readers know that I just turned this into a feature request, since I face a similar problem and your issue has been open for two years. Any Supporter votes by people using similar setups welcome.