Game Map

A free HTML5-based game content type. A game map consists of stages that you can arrange on top of a background image. Each stage is connected to one or more stages and can hold an H5P content type for the user to view or complete. You can define rules that will determine what stage the user is allowed to move to, so you can create a game-like experience.

Create engaging games with H5P and Game Map in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle, and WordPress.


Solar system simplified
Animals around the world

Would you like to create content like this on your own?

Get started

Register on to start creating H5P Interactive content. Your content can be accessed via direct link, embeded, or inserted into any learning management system that supports LTI integration.

Tips for creating maps

You can upload any background image and arrange stages on it, so the use case is not limited to “maps” - even though it is probably the most prominent one. If you’re looking for a map that you can use, why not look for openly licensed map images, give Inkarnate a try or use Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Dall-E or some other image generator to create one for you (and don’t forget to share your result openly licensed).

Further information

This content type was contributed and is maintained by otacke (SNORDIAN). Funding for the initial version was given by Hochschule Hannover, Germany. There are plans to add more features, e.g.

  • add visual feedback to stages to indicate their completion/success status,
  • allow the editor to add text and images on top of the map for customization, 
  • allow the editor to set time based restrictions for accessing a stage, and
  • potentially other game-like features.

The implementation of those features will depend on time/funding available. More suggestions are welcome!

New to H5P? Read the installation guide to get H5P on your own site.