Moodle - Maximum Grade

Hi Guys,

I have a quick question relating to Moodle. On the content creation/editing page for a H5P acitivty, there are two fields under GradeGrade to pass and Maximum Grade.

I was wondering if anyone could help me with the Maxmimum Grade field. Is this the value that Moodle uses to determine how many marks can be achieved for the H5P activity? From the grading behavior we've observed, this appears to be the case. Consequently, if there are any interactive/gradeable activities within a H5P activity, it seems that this field is pretty much required (although it's marked as optional).

If all of the above is true, my question here is: Why can H5P not set this dynamically based upon how many questions (or other forms of interaction) are within the H5P activity? i.e. if I create a Course Presentation activity and add 3 questions to it, do I have to set the maximum grade to be 3?

Thanks for your help!


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BV52's picture

Hi Matt,

What you mentioned above are true.

There isn't a code built in on the H5P to control how an LMS or LRS will handle the scores. The reason being is that not all LRS handle the scores the same way. Having said this H5Ps are created to send generic xAPI statements that most LRS will be able read and it then pick it up from there on how it will show the data.


Thanks, it's good to at least know how it works :-). We feel though that this is likely going to be a bit confusing for our users, and we're trying to find a way to set this automatically so that the lesson creator doesn't need to at creation time. Does this sound like it could be possible? Do you know if there's any way we can tell how exactly how many marks are achievable within the specific activity (e.g. Course Presentation) when the users clicks Save.

BV52's picture

Hi Matt,

Not as of the moment but I think you are on to something here. I will move this post to the feature request forum.

Feature Request: 

Add a "Summary" tab in the editor to provide authors a way of knowing what are the activities and scores for this activities. It would also help if the total score is shown. This is needed for Course Presentation, Interactive Video, Quiz (Question Set) and Column.
