Branching Scenario

Variable creation in Branching Scenarios.

I think it would be great if I could use the branching scenario with more conditional logic. 

As a fun test I am trying to make a text based game using the branches, it would be great if I could make it so users need to find something before progressing. 

so during a branch, you have the option to see if a variable is set to a certain value. if yes go here, if no go there. 

 If there was a tool on the left side that was under "create content" that your custom variables could be set to int, bool, etc. it would add so much customization! 

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Branching Scenario: Make using Custom End Scenarios more comfortable

otacke's picture

In Branching Scenario, having an option for custom end scenarios is a great way to give feedback. However, in practice you often have "classes" of custom end scenarios. In other words: You may have 20 nodes that should end in custom end scenarios, but in fact it might be 4 classes of custom end scenarios that are the same for 5 nodes each. Right now, you cannot reuse a custom end scenario, but you will have to create it over and over again as settings of the node that preceeds the custom end scenario.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Branching Scenario

Hi guys.

I am doing some tests with your “Branch scenario” tool since I find it wonderful and I would like to use it throughout my site. Yesterday, I started creating an activity with BS where I use many interactive videos. Some of these activities involve questionnaires with “open-ended questions”. When performing the tests on my smartphone I found that open questions can be answered without any problem when the cell phone is in portrait orientation. Here, when the user needs to use the cell phone’s keypad, there is no problem.
