Single Choice Set

Feedback based on wrong/right answer in single choice set

jarvil's picture


I would like to see an feature where you could give feedback according if a user selects wthe wrong or a right answer in single choice set. This would be admin/teacher specified feedback.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

SIngle Choice Set: Scrolling not Possible

Hi there,

in an Interactive Video, when using a Single Choice set with Questions that overflow the Content Area of the Dialog Window, no scrollbar will appear (see Attachment) – and in this way choices out of reach cannot be chosen... Is there any fix for that? We are using H5P in Wordpress, the bug appears on all Major Browsers...

Thank You!

Show solutions Single Choice Set-Course Presentation

When Creating a single choice set in a Course presentation, and disable the sound effects, The show Soultions button doens't work, and when you update againg that content sometimes the show solution and the retry buttons don't work


  1. Create a Course Presentation, Create a Single Choice set Activity, Uncheck the "Enable sound effects" option
  2. Moodle,
  3. Desktop
  4. Chrome
  5. 1.5
