Documentation Tool

Documentation Tool - Save user data?

I'm using the documentation tool to build an action planning worksheet for a class. I think it lends itself to this quite well. However, it doesn't appear to save the user's data. I am deploying the class in Moodle and anytime I leave the tool and then come back, it is empty. I do have "Save content state" enabled in the H5P Moodle plugin settings.

Documentation Tool not available in Create New Content

I wasn't really sure where to put this, but I was trying to create a new activity based on the "Documentation Tool" and if I go into My Account on this website and choose Create New Content, this tool doesn't show up as one of the choices under Select Content Type.

Fortunately I am just BRILLIANT (that's sarcasm there) and I was able to go to the Examples and Downloads page and clone the content from there.

Just thought I should let someone know about this!

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

Resume feature in Documentation Tool

It would be very helpful to be able to have a user start with the documentation tool, pause and be given further instruction and then resume the use of the Documentation Tool where they left off. I'd like to request this as a feature in a future release please.



Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
