Documentation Tool

Documentation tool 1.4 adding word template for download


Hi, we've upgraded the documentation tool so you can upload a docx word template and fill out the tool and have a downloadable file.

We'd love to have it included in future versions. Right now it works for 1.4 but will break in the future. 

Get in touch if you need further info - [email protected]

Prevent learners from submitting their answers in the Documentation Tool


I have designed an activity using the Documentation Tool which asks learners to track their mobile app usage and reflect upon that.

Learners have the option to export this as a file, which is great, because they can keep a copy.

But they can also submit this so that we, teachers in the course, can see it. But in this case we don't want to see it, as it's for reflection only.

At the moment I cannot see an easy way for preventing them to submit it, apart from telling them not to do so.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network
